The data provided on Union Nepal is published with the best of intentions, for general informational purposes. No warranties are made as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information found on this website. Any action taken based on the information found on this website is done so at the user’s own risk and Union Nepal is not liable for any losses or damages that may occur.
Navigation through our website can be done via hyperlinks to external sources. Although we strive to provide quality links to ethical websites, we cannot be held responsible for the content of those sites. We cannot guarantee all the material on those websites, as their owners and contents may change without warning. There may be cases where we are unable to remove a link that has become outdated.
When you leave our website, you should be aware that other sites might have separate Privacy Policies and Terms And Conditions that are not in our control. It is essential to double-check the privacy policies and the terms and conditions of our sites before engaging in any activities or posting any data.
By visiting our website, you are in agreement with the terms of our disclaimer.
Any alterations/update to this document will be clearly posted here when they are made.